Saturday, December 30, 2006

Almost time for New Year's. Wonder what everyone's resolution will be this year? Last year I actually stuck to my resolution and quit smoking after 35 years. I have easy days and hard days. Today for some reason is a hard day. After all this time I want a cigarette in the worst way. This will pass.
My resolution for next year.....hmmmm....Oh I know. How about the proverbial loosing weight? I have truly gained ALOT this year. I really would like to weigh what I did before I quit smoking then I can decide how much to loose. This may end up being two years resolutions!
I am working on my first pair of knitted socks and will post a picture as I get farther along with them. I belong to a few knitting groups on Yahoo. They are fun plus I learn alot from the other members.
Everyone have a great and SAFE New Year's.

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